Monday, May 22, 2006

Lisa:Crocheting and Gardening

When I was a child of the age of 10, grandmother Rosie taught me to crochet. She gave me the yarn and crocheting hook to keep and learn to get better. We set down on the sofa. It took several hours to learn to get something that looks good. She was very patient with me. But the more I crocheted the better I got. Then I used this as one of my 4-H projects and won many events my learning to crochet. My grandmother was a very patient woman that loved to teach what she knew.
Learning to work in the garden with mom and aunt Haney. In the summer mom would get us up early. Then we would go to my Aunt Haney's house and work in the garden. My uncle Luster would have the garden plowed and ready to start planting the different crops in the rows. Beans, corn, tomatoes and potatoes would be planted by the end of the day. Some times this would take more than one day. My cousins and I thought of this as a game but my aunt and mother liked for us to help with this. They knew that someday we would benefit for this experience. So, there is nothing you do for children is ever a waste of time.

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