Monday, May 22, 2006

For Children

Nothing you ever do for children is ever wasted; this is a much-discussed topic that I have all the time with my Cub Scout Leaders and parents. I am the Cub Master for Woodstock pack 275. I work with the boys in all ways; sometimes I am a leader, playmate, substitute Mother, or teacher.
The motto we use is: CUB SCOUTS 1-HOUR A WEEK!! Ha, Ha, Ha!!
Anyone who has worked with Scouts knows this is far from the truth. You spend from one to two hours a week at the weekly meeting. If you are a leader you will spend a couple of more hours preparing your crafts and lessons for the week. As Cub Master there is the monthly pack meeting to prepare for. Fundraisers is also time consuming, we sell popcorn once a year, do car washes, and sometimes we sell flower bulbs or candles.
Do the boys notice what you do for them? You may not think so but from my experience I know they do. I have some boys that have left our pack for one reason or another. (Usually the reason is that their parents don’t want to spend the time to bring them to meetings or activities.) If I meet one of these boys out at school or the store they always remember me. I always get a bright smile and a big hello, or sometimes I will get a big bear hug. This makes the time and effort spent worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. By Sheila

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