Friday, June 02, 2006

Sunday School Teachers

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.

When I was a child I had the greatest Sunday school. Every Sunday my teacher; Patricia McGuire; would tell us stories in a way that a child would understand. We would make crafts, play games, and she would bring snacks. You didn’t just have to sit there and listen and not say a word. If you had a questions you could just asked her and she would explain it in a way you would understand. We would get awards for perfect attendance, learning bible verse, and every year she would have us a birthday party in Sunday school class and bake our favorite cake. She was such a light to me. She made bible learning fun and interesting. She brought about the greatest change in my life when she led me to the Lord. Even though I strayed later in years and have returned I never forgot my Sunday school teacher who taught me about the Lord.

Now that I am an adult and attend church I love helping the children in Sunday school. I’m not a Sunday school teacher but I help with the children every chance I get. I help Sara; the Sunday school teacher for the toddlers; every Sunday. Sara reminds me of the Sunday school teacher that I had when I was a child. It is so amazing to see the children learn about the bible. I hope when they grow up that they don’t forget the things that they learned in Sunday school.

I’m not the only one who has been influence by a Sunday school teacher. I once heard a man tell a story about a Sunday school teacher who got discouraged. She went to her pastor and told him that she wanted to resign from teaching. The pastor didn’t want her to quit because he knew what a great influence she was to the children. The pastor prayed that the Lord would change her mind. In just a short time the pastor got a letter in the mail from a man who used to go to his church. As the pastor read the letter he knew the Lord had answered his prayer. The man wrote that he was a homeless drug addict. The man was in such a bad shape that he wanted to end his life and kill himself. Right when the man was going to pull the trigger he remembered his Sunday school teacher that he had when he was a child. The man never killed himself in fact the man became a Christian. This letter encouraged the Sunday school teacher and she kept right on teaching. It just goes to prove that nothing you do for children is ever wasted.

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