Monday, June 05, 2006

Children are Precious

"Nothing You Do For Children Is Wasted"
Children are precious beings. Their minds are continually learning from birth. All newborn children sleep and eat for the first part of their lives, dependent on others to take care of them. As they get older, they began to look around and watch others. They listen to sounds and begin to make their own sounds (to us it sounds like gibberish), but they are learning to talk and communicate with the world. During the first years of their life, imprints are being made on their character. Spending time with children is very important because they need to be shaped and molded for experiences they will have later in life.
Children will put themselves in danger because they do not know what danger is.
They need to be taught. The stove is hot. Don’t go with strangers. Don’t go in the road. You can’t let them get this kind of experience in their own lives because they could be seriously hurt or killed.You need to teach them about danger. One danger in this time and age is being accosted by strangers. Children need to be taught to avoid strangers.
When my grandchildren were very young, they were like any children: curious, mischievious, and very lovable. One morning, while their Mom slept, they got up and decided to take the dog (Polly) for a walk. I guess at that time they were about three and four years old. They put a leash on Polly and started up the hill behind their home to the road. They went down the road, the same road they had traveled many times before,but in their car and with their parents. They made it to their grandmother’s house. One little boy, one little girl and a dog. They made it safely. My, but what a risk they took! They told us later that one car passed them and they just got out of the road. What if the person in that car was an abductor or a pedophile? I might not have my grandchildren today.
Spending time teaching children about danger is time well spent. It is certainly not time wasted. Let us teach our children about danger. A child taught could be a child saved. Think about it.
By: Wanda

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